SOMB Staff will perform an initial review of the request. If the request is not acceptable, the Staff will work with the Provider to modify and address any questions or concerns. The ARC will then review the Standards Variance Request. If the request is acceptable and does not pose a safety risk, the ARC may authorize preliminary approval of the Variance Request. A review of the approved Variance Request will be scheduled and presented at the SOMB. Variances that are not granted preliminary approval by the ARC will be scheduled for formal review by the Board at the next meeting. If approved, the ARC will ratify the Standards Variance Request and create a plan for conducting periodic reviews and any necessary documentation required for those reviews. The Provider will be notified in writing of the decision to approve or deny the variance.
The SOMB has the authority to set forth specific program conditions during the time frame of the proposed variation. This may include requiring the provider to submit to periodic documentation to the SOMB regarding how the Standard variation is working, identifying any benefits and/or challenges. Variances are intended to be temporary and shall not exceed a period of two years.