The Crime Victim Services Advisory Board is a 28-member board appointed by the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Safety. The Board acts in an advisory capacity to the Department and the Division of Criminal Justice in making grant funding recommendations regarding State VALE, SASP, VAWA, and VOCA crime victim assistance projects.
The Board has two statutory subcommittees:
The Crime Victim Services Advisory Board is seeking applications for the following representatives:
- VALE Board Member Representative
- Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Member Representative
- Southern Ute Tribal Member Representative
- Sheriff or Sheriff's Represenative
- Elected District Attorney, Assistant District Attorney, or a Chief Deputy District Attorney Representative
The Crime Victim Services Advisory Board Terms are for three (3) years and are appointed by the Executive Director of the Department of Public Safety.
Anyone interested in applying including those who identify as a member or can represent a member of a minority population (e.g., rural or underserved communities, LGBTQ+ individuals, individuals living with disabilities, as well as those who identify their race/ethnicity as other than white) are encouraged to apply.